Breaking News: EU Announces Ship Management Company Assignments by Administering Authority - February 1, 2024
The European Union has officially released the “COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2024/411” dated January 30, 2024. This decision outlines the list of Shipping Companies (Owning/Management) assigned to each European Administering Authority in accordance with the EU-ETS Regulation.
The complete text of the Decision can be accessed here.
This comprehensive list comprises over two thousand Companies, distributed among 24 Administering Authorities (AAs). Notably, Greece is expected to be responsible for more than 30 percent of the total number of companies, with Spain and Germany following.
ETSdesk, in direct contact with the EU Authorities, has diligently monitored this significant milestone for the EU-ETS application in Maritime and following a thorough quality analysis, several key conclusions have emerged:
  1. Significant administrative tasks lie ahead for certain Authorities, mandated to be completed within 40 days from February 1st. This may strain the resources of the public service sector(s) responsible for managing the opening of Maritime Operators’ Holding Accounts (MOHAs) and handling support cases for the assigned Companies.
  2. With 2245 Companies listed, and an estimated total of 3822 active Companies based  in Greece and China alone (according to a reputable Maritime database), the challenges in ensuring inclusion to an AA responsibility and therefore Compliance for many companies worldwide (especially those conducting or planning trips to Europe from 2024 onward), are apparent.
  3. Despite the number of Companies located in the Netherlands and the trading volume and port calls in Rotterdam, the Dutch Administering Authority will be responsible for 170 Companies, while Poland will do the same for only 18.
In response to these challenges, ETSdesk, through its “Registry Services”, stands ready to support the Maritime Community Worldwide in efficiently handling the task of Shipping Companies’ inclusion to an Administering Authority. Particularly in urgent or ad-hoc cases.