We only set one session cookie for the front-end in order to
identify if a user has already logged in or not.
With this function we keep you logged in instead of asking you to
login in each page. Thus, cookies are essential
for our website and help you for the best experience and navigation
from page to page. Cookies are only accessible from your web browser
and they are not used for any purpose other than the one stated.
In some cases, cookies may be used to remember:
- your display preferences, such as contrast colour settings
or font sizes
- if you have already replied to a survey pop-up that asks you
if the content was helpful or not (so you won't be asked
- also, some videos embedded in our pages use a cookie to
anonymously gather statistics on how you got there and what
videos you visited.
The cookie-related information is not used to identify you
personally and the pattern data is fully under our control. These
are not used for any purpose other than those described here.