Carbon Offsets/Credits Creation

To balance some of the costs related to the surrendering of EUETS EUAs from September 2025, income from selling carbon offsets/ credits may be used. ETSdesk is in the final stages to streamline the process for certifying and availing in the Voluntary Carbon Markets worldwide, carbon offsets created by the utilization of energy-saving devices onboard commercial vessels.
Our process is based on the existing carbon credits/offsets certification methodologies for maritime developed from “Gold Standard”. Methodologies with additional reputable certification entities are under development. For diversification of the markets in which these offsets can be traded, other standards and Registries such as the American Carbon Registry (ACR) and Global Carbon Council (GCC) are under evaluation.
Please contact us to discuss the first steps and how your vessels, in addition to the environmental benefits, when saving energy, may reap some financial benefits as well.

Creating carbon credits

A rather complicated process that may apply to vessels subject or not subject to EU ETS, but with management that has decided to proceed to emissions reduction upgrades. Carbon credit creation may bring additional commercial, financial, and Branding advantages.
A process that can be effectively handled only by experts with the knowledge of ETSdesk which may give initial directions, advice on the steps to be followed, and follow up until the process is completed and created carbon credits are sold in the Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM).